Communications Team
Agenda 11/9/20 12:00
We have a lot of open items on our coalition workplan and just two months left in this calendar year, so we have prioritized a few actionable projects and we'd like your input and help to complete them.
Upcoming Projects/Assign Roles:
Regular monthly newsletter content contributors needed for sections: Upcoming Events, Local Headlines, Education/Prevention Topic, Spotlight (text only)
Update Vaping Video (revise with updated stats, current legislation status, etc.)
Consider creating Underage Drinking Video (similar to above) using 2111 resources gathered by Programming Cmte
Quarterly Recognition of a local organization promoting protective factors
Nominations? (planning on Friends of Webster Trails for this quarter)
How best to recognize them?
Develop a membership recruitment plan and materials to use for potential sector representatives and specific target audiences:
What sectors of our community are underrepresented in WHEN:DFCC?
How can we reach them?
Are materials needed that we don't have? How much tailoring is needed?