Discuss safety with your child regularly and remind them of your rules before they participate in prom, ball or graduation celebrations in particular.
Remind your teen that you love them and want them to have fun and be safe.
Know who your teen is going out with and their plans for the entire evening.
Discuss the dangers of driving under the influence of marijuana and alcohol. In New York State, anyone driving with a BAC of .02% (one drink) can be arrested and lose their license.
Discuss the dangers of taking any drug not prescribed for them, and the importance of not leaving their drink unattended.
Role-play answers your child can use to get out of uncomfortable/dangerous situations like being offered alcohol, a ride from an intoxicated driver, unwanted sexual advances, etc.
Discuss guidelines and curfew ahead of time, as well as consequences for violating them.
Promise to pick them up – any place, any time – without embarrassing them if they want to come home. Agree on a call or a text alert.
Discuss travel plans. Only use reputable limo services that will not allow a person to bring, serve, or introduce alcohol into the vehicle.
Know who is driving and who will be a passenger. Limit the number of passengers to increase safety and reduce driver distractions.
Urge your teen to NEVER get in a car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs.
Make sure they have a back-up plan, which may include money for a car service. Discuss not sending anyone alone in an Uber/Lyft.
If plans include a house party or sleepover, contact the parents to make sure they will be supervising the entire event and that no alcohol is allowed or will be served.
Let teens know that the NYS 911 Good Samaritan Law protects them if they call 911 to help someone suffering a suspected overdose or alcohol poisoning. Visit the links to familiarize them with danger signs and symptoms.
Thinking of hosting? Remember:
Alcohol is a drug. Five times more teens die from alcohol-related causes than from all illegal drugs combined. Binge drinking is especially dangerous to teens. Alcohol poisoning can be fatal.
Know the laws - It’s illegal to serve or purchase alcohol to/for anyone under 21 - or to give alcohol to your kid’s friends, even in your own home and with their parents’ permission.
Know the guest list and avoid “open parties’. Set rules: no alcohol/drugs, no smoking, no leaving and returning, no gate crashers, lights will be left on.
Be visible and aware. You are legally liable for teens who drink in your home or for anything that may happen to a minor who has been served alcohol/drugs in your home.