Upcoming Events
8/20 6:00-8:00 PM – Webster HOPE Back-to-School Event. WHEN has been invited to set up a table for kids to do a craft and to share information with parents while they wait to get into the HOPE house to pick up back-to-school supplies. This was a blast last year, and we were able to speak with so many wonderful parents. Sign up to help out here.
8/21 12:00-1:00 PM – *August WHEN Coalition Meeting has been rescheduled* from 8/14 to 8/21 at noon. Please mark your calendars! See details/register. View minutes from the last meeting here.
Navigating Transitions
“Protective factors are conditions or attributes in individuals, families, and communities that promote the health and well-being of children and families.” - ChildWelfare.gov
Navigating transitions produces these protective factors: attachment and bonding to family, peers, and community; development of social skills and emotional control; and opportunities for prosocial involvement in the family.
By WHEN member, Judi Swanson, LCSW~R
“Look at every exit as being an entrance to somewhere else.” - Tom Stoppard
As we enter August transitions are approaching. For anyone with school-aged children, they will be returning to the classroom. Recent high school graduates may be leaving for college, joining the military, beginning vocational training, or starting a full-time job. College graduates may be off to pursue employment and new opportunities. Seasons are changing as the days grow shorter and the temperatures get cooler.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy on not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” - Socrates
An article by Dr. Richard B. Joelson states, “Life transitions are challenging because they force us to let go of the familiar and face the future with a feeling of vulnerability.” With change and transition, unknown territory comes our way. For those with children and young adults who are experiencing changes, many of us are experiencing our own emotions and feelings right along with them.. Take heart, though, because these transitions provide opportunities to grow, build new skills, meet new people, and improve our resiliency.

"Change is inevitable in life. You can either resist it and potentially get run over by it, or you can choose to cooperate with it, adapt to it, and learn how to benefit from it. When you embrace change you will begin to see it as an opportunity for growth." - Jack Canfield
The article by Dr. Joelson continues to say that change is inevitable and there is a positive side. Approach change by expecting to be uncomfortable, identifying what things you can control, expressing and tending to your feelings in healthy ways, and get curious about what will happen next. Be planfully prepared about any possible hiccups. Get excited! Regarding the children and young people in your life, listen to their thoughts and feelings about any upcoming changes. Problem solve and identify positive actions that can help and support them. Celebrate going outside of everyone’s comfort zone because these exits are opening many new entrance doors all around you. WHEN wishes everyone a happy and healthy transition into September and all the wondrous things new beginnings bring.
This month we'd like to shine the spotlight on our Programming Chair, Linda Dioguardi. She has been super busy planning, coordinating and producing so many projects! You probably know she spearheads all our Family Game Nights, and debuted our Navigating the Tween Years forum (which we are working on expanding into 3 more events this coming school year). But she is also currently orchestrating our effort to add protective factor signs across WCSD properties in partnership with the school district, and anchors our tabling efforts at many of the events we attend. We are so grateful for your steadfast commitment to supporting Webster kids and families, Linda!
Upcoming Meetings
Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 21 at noon. Register here to receive details for both in-person and online options.
We meet in person AND online via Google Meet the second Wednesday of each month at noon. Many of us join during our lunch break. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. In fact, our goal is to have representation from all walks of life, to better meet the needs of the whole community.
Read last month's Coalition Meeting Minutes.

Parenting resource: Edutopia offers tips for helping kids transition from elementary though college. Check out, "Transition Resources for Parents, Teachers, and Administrators".